2024 01 31

Recently, an up-and-coming engineering development platform caught my eye. If you’re not already familiar with it, it’s called Code Crafters, and the idea behind it lines up so well with the spirit of my own blog that I knew I needed to give it a try and write something about it here.

Disclaimer: this is not a paid or endorsed review, I’m following my own genuine curosity here.

What is Code Crafters? It bills itself as a provider of “advanced code challenges for senior engineers.” More specifically, it provides individual guided walkthroughs to help you build well-known development tools, like a simple database enginer or an HTTP server, from scratch in your programming language of choice, and delivers automated feedback every step of the way.

That’s the promise, anyway. Code Crafters courses require a paid subscription, but in the past few days I discovered that their Build your own Redis course is being offered for free through the end of February, and I intend to take advantage and see what it’s about. Redis is already included in my list of tools to build from scratch, and hopefully I can at least create the foundation for this blog’s Redis clone, and get some questions answered about Code Crafters along the way.

Specifically, I want to see how “hand-holdy” the course is. How long does it take to complete one? How challenging is it? How deep does it go? Essentially, at the end of the month I’m hoping to be able to provide a well-thought-out review of the service.

If you’re curious too, I encourage you to play around with the course as well while it’s available free, and stay tuned for my next post where I’ll discuss the first steps.

Thanks for reading,
